Our pricing depend on daily requests limits
The actual price is PLN 2,899
Good for low-budget traders
25 000 requests / month
Latest prices from 150+ exchanges
Coverage for over 40,000 assets
Exchange rates in 35+ currencies
99% uptime
24/7 support
Helpdesk priority
The actual price is PLN 5,499
The most popular, best for average mid-budget traders
50 000 requests / month
Latest prices from 250+ exchanges
Coverage for over 40,000 assets
Exchange rates in 35+ currencies
Historical price change data
99% uptime
24/7 support
Helpdesk priority
The actual price is PLN 7,499
Most often chosen by crypto whales
100 000 requests / month
Latest prices from 300+ exchanges
Coverage for over 40,000 assets
Exchange rates in 35+ currencies
Historical price change data
Open-high-low-close data
99% uptime
24/7 support
Helpdesk priority
Enterprise-grade service, customised based on your needs
Contact us
What is crypto arbitrage?
Crypto arbitrage involves taking advantage of price differences for the same cryptocurrency on different exchanges. By buying on one exchange and selling on another at a higher price, traders can profit from the arbitrage opportunity.
How can I purchase access to the arbee API?
To gain access to the arbee API, simply choose the plan that best fits your needs and contact us via email at We'll send you an invoice to be paid, and once payment is received, we'll send you your API key via email.
How do I retrieve my API key?
Afer you have contacted us and paid the invoice for your chosen plan, we will send your API key to the email address associated with your account. The key will be unique to your account and will allow you to access the arbee API.
Where can I find documentation for the arbee API?
The documentation for the arbee API is provided only to paying customers and trusted associates of our existing clients. Once you have subscribed to a plan and your payment has been confirmed, we will provide you with access to the documentation. Our documentation is comprehensive and will provide you with all the information you need to integrate the API into your trading strategies.
Can I try the arbee API before I purchase a subscription?
Unfortunately, we do not currently offer a trial version of the arbee API. However, we provide detailed information about our plans and their associated features on our pricing page, which can help you make an informed decision about which plan is right for you.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Unfortunately we do not offer a trial version at this time.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept payments in cryptocurrencies. Please contact us for more information on payment opIons.
What happens if I exceed my API request limit?
If you exceed your API request limit, your access may be temporarily suspended unIl the next billing cycle. Please refer to our pricing page for information on request limits and overage fees.
How frequently is the arbee API updated?
The arbee API is updated in real-time, with data streaming from our servers as soon as it becomes available. This ensures that you have access to the most up-to- date information on cryptocurrency prices and market trends.
Customer Testimonials

As an institutional investor, I needed an API that could handle a high volume of requests. Arbee API has exceeded my expectations and allowed me to execute trades quickly and efficiently

Using arbee API helped me make $10,000 in just one month! The real-time streaming prices and order books are invaluable

I've been using arbee API for several months now and I can say with confidence that it's one of the best crypto arbitrage tools out there. The ability to stream realtime data from multiple exchanges has been instrumental in my trading success